7 Ways to crave LESS sugar

7 Ways to crave LESS sugar

If I were to award a single food item with the title of ‘Fastest Way To Pack On The Pounds’, hands down the winner would be refined sugar. You know the deal – sugar makes you fat (crazy fast.) We have been eating more and more sugar over the past 200...

Thanksgiving = 6000 cal in one day?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Here are some numbers that shocked even this hardened fitness veteran. 1,500 The number of calories an average woman needs each day. 2,000 The number of calories an average man needs each day. 3,000 The estimated number of...

Foodie Friday: Protein Pumpkin Pie Pancakes

I can’t get enough pumpkin. No, I’m not a pumpkin spiced latte bandwagoner, I love it year round (just especially now.) So here it is, my favorite recipe for fall! Enjoy these tasty pumpkin pancakes without guilt. Made with almond meal and packed with...
Easy Tuna Power Salad

Easy Tuna Power Salad

Need a satisfying meal FAST? Here’s your new go-to power meal that’s ready in 5 minutes flat… This recipe takes protein filled tuna and adds fresh ingredients to turn it into a healthy tuna salad. Unlike many tuna salad recipes, this one doesn’t call for dressings or...

4 Body Changes From Eating Low Carb

Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen to your body if you stopped eating refined carbs? It’s no secret that refined and processed carbs contribute to weight gain, and so reducing the amount of these in your diet would logically lead to a leaner, fitter...